Category: stupidity

  • Geography Lesson

    I see the state of Wyoming is again looking at <a href="">building a pipeline</a> to carry coalbed methane water to another water basin other than the Powder River basin. The drive to get this water out of the Powder River basin is that Montana is currently suing Wyoming about the contaminated water the CBM industry…

  • Electoral Mess

    <a href="" >Bill would bypass Electoral College</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Montana should join a national movement to bypass the Electoral College and award the presidency to the winner of the popular vote, a Darby senator told lawmakers Wednesday.<br />n<br />nRepublican Sen. Rick Laible and other supporters said the change would make Montana and other sparsely populated states…

  • Coal Bed Methane

    Todays Gazette had a few pieces on CBM that I found interesting and share with you.<br />n<br />nFirst there is a news piece out of Wyoming about how the state is considering regulating the water discharged from the wells and how the industry is <a href="">howling it will kill them</a>. In the industries opinion they…

  • Business Friendly, NOT

    Can anyone tell me why the state of Montana is so unfriendly to businesses? They do provide jobs and services throughout the state so why no matter which way we turn does the Legislature take such aims to hurt them?<br />n<br />n<a href="">Here</a>, as reported by the <a href="">Montana Main Street Blog</a>, we have a…

  • Be Careful What You Want

    <a href="" >Lawmaker wants parents' values respected in foster care</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A lawmaker wants children to be raised with their parents' values, even when the children are in foster care.<br />n<br />nHouse Majority Leader Michael Lange, R-Billings, told members of the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday that his bill would require the state to prepare…

  • Headlights

    <a href="" >Senator wants headlights on</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Sen. Sam Kitzenberg wants all motorists in the state to drive with their headlights on all the time, but he knows many Montanans don't like being told what to do.<br />n<br />nSo his proposed law makes it optional.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI have earlier <a href="">stated my opinion</a> on this…

  • What Really Matters

    <a href="" >Lawmakers out-of-staters: Do you care?</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>More than a quarter of Montana's lawmakers didn't grow up under the Big Sky, a Gazette State Bureau analysis shows, and 10 percent moved to Montana after 1990.<br />n<br />nSome 29 percent – or 43 members – of the state's 150 lawmakers moved to Montana after they…

  • Educators Out Of Control

    <a href="" >Handicapped Child Charged For Wetting Pants </a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Prosecutors are declining to prosecute disorderly conduct charges brought against a 12-year-old special education student who school officials accused of deliberately wetting her pants at school.<br />n<br />nThe girl was charged with disorderly conduct after school officials reported an incident to police which occurred on…

  • Headlights SB 194

    Montana Legislature alert. (I'll add this to all post that are very strictly about the Legislature for those not interested.)<br />nWith the Montana Legislature in session I have been paging through the <a href="$BAIV.return_all_bills">bills proposed</a> and a few caught my eye. Here is one.<br />n<br />n<a href="">SB 194</a><br />n<br />nRequire driving with headlights on at…

  • Ethanol Board SB 122

    Montana Legislature alert. (I'll add this to all post that are very strictly about the Legislature for those not interested.)<br />nWith the Montana Legislature in session I have been paging through the <a href="$BAIV.return_all_bills">bills proposed</a> and a few caught my eye. Here is one.<br />n<br />n<a href="">SB 122</a><br />n<br />nEstablish ethanol education board<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The…