Geography Lesson

I see the state of Wyoming is again looking at <a href="">building a pipeline</a> to carry coalbed methane water to another water basin other than the Powder River basin. The drive to get this water out of the Powder River basin is that Montana is currently suing Wyoming about the contaminated water the CBM industry is dumping into water that flows into Montana. Sounds like a grand plan. Use state money to remove the water for the CBM industry.<br />n<br />nSo, where do they want to dump this water so that it doesn't offend Montana? In the Big Horn River. Last time I looked the <a href="">Big Horn River</a> also flowed into Montana from Wyoming. So, to not contaminate Montana water in the Powder River Basin with CBM discharge, the state of Wyoming is going to dump the water into another basin that flows into Montana, the Big Horn. These people need a little geography lesson so they can see where the Big Horn River flows to. How stupid can they be.<br />n<br />nNow I know somebody is going to point out to me that the Big Horn River flows so much more water than the Powder that the contamination will be diluted well before it reaches Montana. IT'S THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING YOU IDIOT!! If you are going to pipe water away from where it's produced so it doesn't go into Montana, it wouldn't be wise to ship it to another river basin that flows into Montana. This isn't Rocket Science.<br />n<br />nI also have <a href="">commented before</a> on how stupid contaminating anybodies water is for short term tax profits to the state. The long term health of our water supplies is more important if you ask me.<br />n<br />n<strong>Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it. Pope John Paul II</strong>



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