Category: stupidity

  • Information

    A little more interesting information about the Plum Island animal research facility.<br />n<br />n<a href=",8599,1730322,00.html?xid=rss-topstories">Accidents at Disease Lab Revealed</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The only U.S. facility allowed to research the highly contagious foot-and-mouth disease experienced several accidents with the feared virus, the Bush administration acknowledged Friday.<br />n<br />nA 1978 release of the virus into cattle holding pens…

  • Stupidity

    Another great example of government stupidity can be found over at <a href=""> Northview Diary</a>. Imagine, relocating a secure animal disease research facility from a safe off shore island to the middle of cattle country in Kansas. What, we are trying to spread disease to the cattle of this country?<br />n<br />n<strong>The mystery of government…

  • A Little to Far

    <a href=",23599,22761386-2,00.html">Santa Claus outraged by 'ho ho ho' ban</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>HE is an unlikely revolutionary but this Christmas, Santa is a rebel with a claus.<br />n<br />nHe is having the last laugh on political correctness – and it's a great big fat belly laugh.<br />n<br />nSantas across Sydney are rebelling against attempts to ban their…

  • Understanding

    Sometimes I wonder if I will ever understand people. Why they do the things they do just make no sense some time. Here is a perfect example of what I am talking about. <br />n<br />n<a href="">Dentist Claims Breast Rubs Appropriate</a> <br />n<br />nWhy would a Dentist jeopardize his professional life by giving breast rubs…

  • Priorities

    I guess you have to have your priorities in life. When it comes to choosing between a place to live and continuing to spend more money than you can afford via credit cards, more and more people appear to be <a href="">choosing the credit cards</a>.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Conventional wisdom has it that people will do everything…

  • Buffer Zone

    <a href="" >Officials discuss brucellosis buffer</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Creating a brucellosis buffer zone around Yellowstone National Park is a possibility as state and federal officials look for ways to keep the disease from recurring in Montana.<br />n<br />nTeresa Howes, spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, said she and the…

  • Endangered

    Canadian MP Mike Lake has called for <a href="">Bigfoot, of all critters, to be considered an endangered species</a> under Canadian law. Don't you sometimes wish stupidity was endangered? Mike Lake just proves it isn't.<br />n<br />n<strong>The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein </strong>

  • I Don’t Understand Yet Again

    There is a new idea being bantered around in Montana that quite a few people think is a good idea. <a href="" >A southern passenger train route through the state</a>. I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW THIS IS A GOOD IDEA! It sounds like an extremely stupid idea if you ask me.<br />n<br />nFirst off, they compare…

  • Shoving It Down Our Throats

    Two years ago when the Montana Legislature was in session I wrote very often about the stupidity of the ethanol mandate they were trying to put in and how if consumers wanted ethanol the market would support them and their would be no need for a mandate. As usual, nobody listened and they voted in…

  • Wolf Identified

    There was a wolf that was killing livestock, 120 sheep, in the Circle area last year. Officials finally found and shot it. The state has finally released some information about the wolf. It was not a wild wolf, but a <a href="">"domestic" wolf</a> that somebody let loose. The DNA of the wolf proves this since…