Category: love
Made Up Holiday
Valentine's Day. Why did the card companies make up a holiday such as this? To sell stuff. I will guarantee you that it doesn't take a special day in the year for me to tell My Darling Wife that I love her. I love her every day, day in and day out without reservation. It…
I Must Be Deaf
I don't know if it's the cold temperatures, 2nd morning of 20 below here, or what but I have no motivation. Plenty out there to talk about but the motivation to do it is lacking. Do you understand what I am saying?<br />n<br />nI could talk about <a href="">Democrats gushing</a> over Governor Schweitzer's education bill,…
I Do
Fourteen years. Fourteen years ago today I joined with my other half to form a whole that continues to this day. Through the good, bad, arguments and pain our union continues on and grows stronger all the time. Fourteen years might not seem like a lot to some people, who have been married longer, and…
This is a Holiday?
Last year I posted my annual rant about Valentines Day being a fake, made-up holiday and how stupid I thought it was. It was amazing the number of people that took this personally. I lost over 90% of my readers over over my rant and I am just finally getting back up to the numbers…