I Do

Fourteen years. Fourteen years ago today I joined with my other half to form a whole that continues to this day. Through the good, bad, arguments and pain our union continues on and grows stronger all the time. Fourteen years might not seem like a lot to some people, who have been married longer, and to others it might seem like an eternity since they are afraid of long term love and commitment. Right now it's long enough to me and I plan on letting it get as long as it can. It doesn't feel like it's been fourteen years, more like just a few, a happy few. The big question is "would you do it again?"<br />n<br />nYES!!!!!!! Not a doubt in my mind. Marrying My Darling Wife made me complete and it's something I would do again if i had it to do over again. There are people to this day that don't get why we are together and I say to hell with them. If they can't understand who we are, I feel sorry for them. They lack the understanding of two people coming together to make a life together and they will always be less for it.<br />n<br />nHon, I love you and always will. I appreciate the love and support you give me on a daily basis. I might not always show it to the best of my abilities, but it's there. I know we have our moments to this day, but that doesn't diminish how I feel for you. Probable the hardest thing that's ever happened to me is having an autistic son, but with your love and support I feel like it is not such a hard thing. Thank you for being there and loving me. It means more than you will ever know.



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