Category: friends

  • Business Climate

    Mike over at <a href="">The Last Best Place</a> has announced he is moving from Montana to elsewhere. His reason why he is leaving really caught my eye.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>To make a long story short I made the difficult decision to move the nuts and bolts of my operation to NoDak, where the business climate is…

  • Thanks

    Hey Tom, I got your package in the mail today. All I will say here is thanks, I really appreciate it.<br />n<br />n<strong>I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. Gilbert K. Chesterton</strong>

  • Grow Up

    From my friend over at <a href="" title=" Northview Diary"> Northview Diary</a>. It is so true.<br />n<br />n<strong>People never grow up; they just learn how to act in public.</strong>

  • Friends And Enemies

  • Joining In

    I will join Craig in saying "<a href="">The Duck Keeps Zapping My Comments</a>."<br />n<br />nDoes this explain <a href="">What happened to our community?</a> Our comments keep getting zapped? I don't think so but it might play a part.<br />n<br />nMy Comment that keeps disappearing to The Duck.<br />n<br />nThine arrow wounds me deeply. Whilst I…

  • We Won

    Well, we won for another year. We got the big branding done. It went very well. I had a very experienced crew of neighbors helping which makes all the difference in the world. All the riders knew what they were doing and did it well, no wrecks getting the cattle in, and the ground work…

  • Parent Should Not Be Kids Buddies

    I always here people say they are their kids best friend and are proud of that. Look at what that kind of thinking brings around.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Boy Does Homework, Smokes Pot With Mom</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A 13-year-old boy told police his mother required him to do his homework first thing when he got off the…

  • Words to the Wise

    Some people say small towns are a great place to be. Sometimes I am not to sure. I have seen too many times where somebody who wasn't born, raised and inbred in the small town gets the cold shoulder by the local inbreds no matter how long they have been there. Somebody out there knows…

  • Perception

    I post here an article in it's entirety as I <a href="">found it</a> for My Darling Wife and <a href="">all women</a> like her in the <a href="">farm and ranch business</a> whether mentioned here or not.. <a class="block_level" href="">Continue reading "Perception"</a>

  • Eartags and Identification

    My friend in New York has a great picture up of what <a href="">exactly happens</a> to the type of tags the <acronym title="United States Department of Agriculture, Bought and Paid for by The Big Meat Packers">USDA</acronym> wants us to use in this <acronym title="National Animal Identification System">NAIS</acronym> scheme. I couldn't agree more, I see this…