Parent Should Not Be Kids Buddies

I always here people say they are their kids best friend and are proud of that. Look at what that kind of thinking brings around.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Boy Does Homework, Smokes Pot With Mom</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A 13-year-old boy told police his mother required him to do his homework first thing when he got off the school bus, then smoked marijuana with him as a reward.<br />n<br />nThe mother said she had been smoking marijuana with her son since he was 11, usually as a reward, according to court documents.<br />n<br />nThe police interview came after officers executed a search warrant at the woman's home last weekend and seized marijuana, an array of drug paraphernalia and $600 in cash that she said belonged to a drug dealer, court documents said.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI can't believe this kind of stuff. They say it's as a reward but it's also being a buddy to your kid. <br />n<br />nMy oldest particularly says she is glad we are her parents and not her friends. She sees to many kids around school whose parents are their friends and she doesn't like what she sees. No discipline, no responsibility, drugs and alcohol, and no thoughts about how their actions affect others. Just the ability to do whatever they want when they want it.<br />n<br />nShe says sometimes it might be nice to do what she wants but in the long run having parents that set limits is nice. It sure is nice to know being a hard assed parent is appreciated once in a while. It's not a lot of fun at times but it will yield a better person in the long run.<br />n<br />n<b>The joys of parents are secret, and so are their grieves and fears. Francis Bacon</b>



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