We Won

Well, we won for another year. We got the big branding done. It went very well. I had a very experienced crew of neighbors helping which makes all the difference in the world. All the riders knew what they were doing and did it well, no wrecks getting the cattle in, and the ground work was easy. For the most part camaraderie flowed well and people enjoyed the event. Yea, my branding is sometimes an event. <br />n<br />n<div class="serendipity_imageComment_center" style="width: 640px"><div class="serendipity_imageComment_img"><a href='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/Cow-Pixs/round05202006?full=1'><img width='640' height='480' border='0' hspace='5' src='http://www.sarpysam.net/gallery/albums/Cow-Pixs/round05202006.sized.jpg' alt='' /></a></div><div class="serendipity_imageComment_txt">Rounding up the cattle for branding. Friends and neighbors scattered across the flat bringing them towards the corral. It was a beautiful day for branding. Taken 5/21/2006</div></div> <br />n<br />nOld neighbors, new neighbors, and friends all travel to enjoy an easy day of working together and enjoying the lifestyle. As much stress and work as your own branding is, it is even enjoyable for us. There is always some people that don't get the enjoyment out of the branding but the majority do and that's what's important. Well, that and getting the calves branded.<br />n<br />nWe had a heavy thunderstorm that went through Friday night and really that helped the situation out. It rained enough to settle the dust and make for a very enjoyable branding. As dry as it was it could have been very dusty but with the rain there was no dust. It was a little muggy and warm by lunch time, but nice.<br />n<br />nWith few exceptions, a nice, fun, productive and friendly day.<br />n<br />nA herd of passion<br />n a portentous heat be,<br />ndiscord some revel.<br />n Sarpy Sam



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