Category: disaster

  • Permanent Disaster Relief

    In a lot of ways, I really wonder about <a href="">this permanent disaster relief idea</a>. I really truly believe that if there was a permanent disaster relief fund, there would be pressure to find a disaster every year to use the funds that are there. They will never build up to be used in a…

  • Worry

    As hot and dry as it is getting around here <a href="">this</a> is a real concern for me. Over 50 square miles burned. With the amount of grass around here we could see the same thing if one gets started. Just one more thing to worry about I guess. Temperatures are supposed to be in…

  • Will He Sign?

    Will President Bush sign the <a href="">disaster aid/assistance</a> that Congress recently passed? He has never been a big fan of Agricultural disaster aid but he might sign this one. <br />n<br />nI have been <a href="">talking about this disaster aid</a> for a while. A lot of it is drought assistance for the last couple of…

  • Storm Cattle Update

    <a href="" >Colorado Blizzard Could Top ’97 Storm’s Livestock Death Toll</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Colorado Agriculture Commissioner Don Ament told Meatingplace today that he expects a Dec. 28 blizzard that hit the Rocky Mountain state will be a crueler killer than a 1997 storm that claimed 30,000 heads of livestock in the same region.<br />n<br />nAment said…

  • Cattle Troubles

    I talked a couple a days ago about the <a href="">winter storm</a> and the livestock that is in trouble with it. A little more information is trickling into the national consciousness about it now.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Haylift to save snowbound cattle begins</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>National Guard helicopters dropped emergency food bundles and bales of hay…

  • Nasty Storm

    <a href="" >12 deaths blamed on brutal winter storm</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The powerful winter storm that punished Colorado barreled into the Plains states, burying roads with drifting snow and snapping power lines that fed electricity to thousands.<br />n<br />nAt least 12 deaths have been blamed on the storm; most died on icy roads.<br />n<br />nA fleet…

  • Drought Aid Dead, For Now

    <a href="" >Drought aid derailed again</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Congressional efforts to provide billions of dollars in agricultural disaster aid were thwarted again Tuesday, leaving the issue to languish until Democrats take over both chambers in January.<br />n<br />nNorth Dakota Sens. Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan, both Democrats, attempted to attach $4.8 billion in aid for struggling…

  • Beet Farmers

    I've mentioned before the problems the beet farmers are having getting the sugar beets in and now it has come to my attention how much worse it got. Last week on Monday and Tuesday it got really cold and froze the beets. Once the beets freeze like this the farmers have lots of trouble.<br />n<br…

  • How Bad Is It

    One of the things that always catches my eye is talk of a drought. I know and understand the problems this situation causes. Australia is experiencing one this year and it is pretty bad. How bad is it?<br />n<br />n<blockquote>EMERGENCY supplies of grain will be imported to feed drought-stricken stock, as forecasts for Australia's winter…

  • Disaster Aid

    <a href="" >Johanns unveils drought aid package</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>U.S. Ag Secretary Mike Johanns toured drought-ravaged areas of South Dakota Tuesday, then announced a new program for hard-hit livestock producers called the Livestock Assistance Grant Program (LAGP).<br />n<br />nUnder the program, <acronym title="United States Department of Agriculture, Bought and Paid for by The Big Meat Packers">USDA</acronym>…