Storm Cattle Update

<a href="" >Colorado Blizzard Could Top ’97 Storm’s Livestock Death Toll</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Colorado Agriculture Commissioner Don Ament told Meatingplace today that he expects a Dec. 28 blizzard that hit the Rocky Mountain state will be a crueler killer than a 1997 storm that claimed 30,000 heads of livestock in the same region.<br />n<br />nAment said the storm would likely kill at least 40,000 head of livestock in southeastern Colorado, an area home to more than 300,000 farm animals.</blockquote><br />n<br />nNow I understand that these numbers are guesses at this point but it is looking grim. I feel for these people and I hear another storm is moving into the area, not much more snow but more wind. With all the snow they have more wind is just more drifts and more problems.<br />n<br />nThe <a href=""><acronym title="National Cattlemans Beef Association, shills for the big meat packers">NCBA</acronym> is requesting Federal assistance</a>. Federal assistance is always low-interest emergency loans which I have never figured out how that helps but what do I know. The <acronym title="National Cattlemans Beef Association, shills for the big meat packers">NCBA</acronym> is doing more though which I support.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Joining forces with state cattlemen’s associations across the country, <acronym title="National Cattlemans Beef Association, shills for the big meat packers">NCBA</acronym> is providing needed assistance through the National Cattlemen’s Foundation (NCF), with every dollar collected directly assisting families impacted by the winter storms.<br />n<br />nCredit card contributions can be made by calling 1-866-BEEF-USA (1-866-233-3872) with Visa, MasterCard and American Express accepted. Online contributions can be made by going to and clicking on “make a contribution.”<br />n<br />nFor those wanting to send a contribution by check, checks should be made payable to National Cattlemen’s Foundation with “disaster relief” included on the memo line. Checks can be mailed to:<br />n<br />nNational Cattlemen’s Foundation<br />n9110 East Nichols Ave., Suite 300<br />nCentennial, CO 80112<br />n<br />nIn addition to cash contributions, the <acronym title="National Cattlemans Beef Association, shills for the big meat packers">NCBA</acronym> is also looking for those able to donate hay, trucking services or equipment. </blockquote><br />n<br />nSo anybody interested in helping farmers and ranchers during this disaster <a href="">now has a way</a>. They need the help. I can't begin to describe what these people are going through. I've fought snow, blizzards, wind and dying cattle and I lack the finesse with words to describe it. You fight your way to your cattle and find them dropping like flies and you are doing every thing you can you fell so inadequate and feeble it isn't even funny.<br />n<br />n<strong>We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. Ronald Reagan</strong>



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