Nasty Storm

<a href="" >12 deaths blamed on brutal winter storm</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The powerful winter storm that punished Colorado barreled into the Plains states, burying roads with drifting snow and snapping power lines that fed electricity to thousands.<br />n<br />nAt least 12 deaths have been blamed on the storm; most died on icy roads.<br />n<br />nA fleet of small planes canvassed snow-covered roads west of Denver on Sunday, searching for stranded travelers in areas where snow drifts measured 10 feet high. National Guard troops rescued at least 44 people.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI might complain about the lack of snow around here but I am damn glad this storm didn't hit here. All you hear about is the problems this is causing people. Have you stopped and considered the number of cattle, horses, and wild animals this is affecting? I am sure there are a large number of cows and horses that have missed a meal or two and on the flat, treeless country of Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas there are probably quite a number of these animals buried in the snow and dead. <br />n<br />nI've seen these kinds of storms before and I'm sure I will again. They are tough on the critters and the people that are struggling to take care of the critters. My thoughts and prayers are with them. I know what it's like and fun isn't the way to look at it. Trying to save all the animals you can consumes you. <br />n<br />n<strong>We cannot command Nature except by obeying her. Francis Bacon</strong>



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