Category: The Ranch

  • Warm

    I know I have been complaining about the lack of moisture but another problem around here has been the cool temperatures. It has been so cool that even if we had the moisture, nothing would grow. Well, that problem has finally fixed itself. Yesterday it finally broke 50 degrees for the first time this spring…

  • Question

    You hire on to a place that part of your duties is riding. You don't have a saddle, even though you indicated you did. What should you do, be looking at buying a saddle or spend all your time talking about the boat you are going to buy? Shouldn't your higher priority be buying a…

  • Dry

    <a href="">March comes in warm, leaves us dry</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>March should have been a lot wetter in Billings. Instead, it was the 10th-driest March in 75 years of recordkeeping.<br />n<br />nJust .42 inch of precipitation, mostly snow, fell on the city during the month. That's just 38 percent of the average 1.12 inches that usually…

  • Bulls

    <center><a class='serendipity_image_link' href=''><img width="640" height="427" style="border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" /></a></center><br />n<br />n<center>Four new bulls that I bought a couple of weeks ago. Angus bulls from some little breeders in the area. They were really nice bulls that were not overfed or gussied up. A lot of the big guys over feed…

  • Marketing

    I got a call from one of my northern neighbors yesterday telling me I was marketing calves awful late. I was very confused since I haven't been selling anything, what was he talking about. Well he informed me that I had sold a calf this week at the auction yard. I told him that I…

  • News

    What's the old saying, no news is good news? Up till now calving has been going fantastic. The weather has been cooperating and the cows are calving fast and furious. The snow is gone and I have even seen the first shoots of new green grass coming in.<br />n<br />nI do say up until now…

  • Job

    Is doing their job too much to ask of a Hired Hand? It sure seems like it.

  • Rain

    Somebody really needs to check the calendar around here, it rained of all damn things yesterday. Rain. I can see snow on the first of March but rain? That just isn't right. The ground is still frozen hard and there are still snow banks all over the place. Rain just isn't right.<br />n<br />nIt has…

  • Here

    Well, the new hired hand is here and working. He is Internet savvy enough that I am not going to say any thing above and beyond that. I hope it works out for both of us. <br />n<br />n<strong>I've been conned a couple of times, but now I'm a little more savvy. Maggie Gyllenhaal </strong>

  • Happenings

    I wish I could say something exciting was going on around here but that is not the case. Same old stuff. We are about a third done calving the heifers all ready. Quite a difference from last year where we didn't have very many calves the first cycle. This year they are coming fast and…