
I wish I could say something exciting was going on around here but that is not the case. Same old stuff. We are about a third done calving the heifers all ready. Quite a difference from last year where we didn't have very many calves the first cycle. This year they are coming fast and furious.<br />n<br />nThe new hired hand is still on schedule to be here. The old one hasn't left yet so I am not hammered too bad. My present guy is really moving stuff out though so the home should be ready when the new guy gets here. <br />n<br />nI did have one live and one dead calf on the cows all ready. I know the one with the live calf got in early with the boyz so she was an early calver. The dead one though was definitely premature. I don't know why I get it but every year i get a few premature, dead calves just before the cows start calving. The vet seems to not be too worried about it but it just bothers me a little. Why do they do it? What is the cause? I don't think I will ever know. <br />n<br />nAll I know is the grind is getting me down right now. The lack of sleep from checking heifers is really getting to me and I am always tired. I can't get enough sleep and it doesn't feel like I ever will. It will get better eventually, I know, but it doesn't feel like it at this point. My brain feels like mush. The question becomes, does my brain feel like mush because of the lack of sleep, or does it feel like mush because of all the bullshit the politicians, Clinton and Obama and McCain and others, feed us this campaign season? I personally think a little bit of both.<br />n<br />n<strong>A dying man needs to die, as a sleepy man needs to sleep, and there comes a time when it is wrong, as well as useless, to resist. Stewart Alsop </strong>



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