Category: The Ranch

  • Rain

    Boy, it has been raining for a couple of days now and it is supposed to rain at least another day now. Flood warnings in effect in the area and creeks and streams rising. Isn't it great. This is really what the hay and grass needed. Moisture. I should have enough grass now. I was…

  • Done

    Got the calves branded up yesterday. Usually I try to do two different bunches but it didn't work out this year so we did them all in one day. I can say it went excellently.<br />n<br />nMy oldest daughter got some kids out to wrestle for me and it made all the difference in the…

  • Sun

    Boy yesterday was a beautiful day. Sun was shining, it was warm, and the grass was growing. You could hear it grow. I rode and cleaned out the spring pasture towards the branding pasture so I could be ready to brand. When I was done with that it was nice enough that I ran over…

  • What’s New?

    What's new around here. Not really much. It rained yesterday and it's supposed to rain a little more today. It's great. After the snow we had earlier the grass really started perking up and now with the rain yesterday you could just literally see the grass grow. What a good feeling. I would say that…

  • Not Allowed

    <a href="">This</a> is why I do not allow so called cowboys to use a pistol filled with shot when handling bulls. Too many of them think they need it to handle the critters but if they were smarter than the average bull they wouldn't need it.

  • Natural or Organic

    I've had quite a few people here on the net tell me the way I should be going to make money is to raise natural beef or organic beef. I always say I have looked into the issue and don't see how I would make any money that way. In fact, I see that I…

  • Moving

    Spent the day yesterday and I will spend the day today moving cattle up to Rosie's place for the branding on Sunday. The cattle always hate to travel up to that pasture for some reason and it's always a battle to get them their. I will get it accomplished though.<br />n<br />nI had a neighbor…

  • Getting There

    Well, it's been a very busy week but I'm getting things done. Got all the renovating done and got all the cattle worked out to the hills so that is all a plus. I say that like there is a minus, I guess there is, moisture. There is a chance today and the rest of…

  • Beat Up

    For the past couple of days I have had the joy of sitting on a tractor renovating the alfalfa. I think I would feel better if My Darling Wife beat me with a stick. I don't know what it is about farming but it cripples me up ever time I have to sit on a…

  • Days

    One of those interesting days today. To start with the hired hand doesn't show up for work. Still don't know what the situation is. I could walk over and knock on the door and ask but I figure he could let me know if there is a problem instead of me hunting him up. Common…