Category: Crime

  • Doesn’t Deserve To Breathe

    <!– s9ymdb:47 –><img width='165' height='220' style="float: left; border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" /><a href="" >Mother charged after child left in car</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>A Great Falls woman was charged with felony criminal endangerment after allegedly leaving her 2-year-old son in an abandoned car overnight as snow fell and temperatures dropped to 32 degrees.<br…

  • The Issue

    I'm sure everybody has heard about the <a href="">tragedy at Virginia Tech</a>. Right away on the Internet I read stuff about how this tragedy was caused by the ability of Americans to own guns and then read articles about how this tragedy was caused by people not being able to freely carry guns. Let's keep…

  • Why Do Some People Breed?

    <!– s9ymdb:47 –><img width='165' height='220' style="float: left; border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="" alt="" />Some people breed so they can <a href="">sell their kids bodies for sex</a> with perverts who are willing to buy them. This supposed mother is as low as the filth she was selling her kids to. I can't believe such…

  • Conduct

    I guess <a href="">Article 133</a> of the UCMJ is <a href="">no longer in effect</a>? Pretty sad day for the US Navy.<br />n<br />n<strong>Conduct is three-fourths of our life and its largest concern. Matthew Arnold</strong><br />n<br />

  • Medicate To Death

    The story in the paper yesterday about <a href="">drugs and murder</a> was very interesting. It touched on a pet peeve of mine. The dosing of our children with prescription drugs to control them easier.<br />n<br />nIn a nut shell these sorry excuse for parents got prescriptions for ADHD and by hook and crook got more…

  • Hell In A Hand Basket

    Trolling through the news headlines I caught <a href="">this story</a>. Now I always say that it takes all types to make this world but the type that does this is beyond my comprehension. So I keep trolling the news and come across <a href="">this story</a>. These stories just show how powerful the sex drive is…

  • Overrun

    All the talk about banning Horse slaughter has an affect.<br />n<br />n<a href=",,-6481804,00.html" >Kentucky Overrun With Unwanted Horses</a><br />n<br />nYes, states shutting down slaughter plants and the continued propaganda about horse slaughter has led to exactly what I feared. People letting horses starve and/or turning them loose to suffer.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>“We had one horse we…

  • Privileges

    <a href=",,-6472422,00.html">Some people shouldn't have the privilege of breeding</a>. There kind of "love" disgusts me.<br />n<br />n<strong>The government gives a license to a person to drive or even to fish, but they'll let any worthless asshole have children. Unknown</strong>

  • Wolf Identified

    There was a wolf that was killing livestock, 120 sheep, in the Circle area last year. Officials finally found and shot it. The state has finally released some information about the wolf. It was not a wild wolf, but a <a href="">"domestic" wolf</a> that somebody let loose. The DNA of the wolf proves this since…

  • Blame

    Now here is an interesting way to pass the buck, <a href="">blame the cell phone for killing someone</a> instead of the alcohol you consumed. Let me give you a little hint,<br />n<br />nYOU STILL KILLED SOMEBODY YOU IDIOT. IT DOESN'T MATTER IF THE BLAME WAS ON THE CELL PHONE OR YOUR DRUNKEN DRIVING, THE MAN…