Why Do Some People Breed?

<!– s9ymdb:47 –><img width='165' height='220' style="float: left; border: 0px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;" src="http://www.sarpysam.com/sarpysam/uploads/noose.serendipityThumb.jpg" alt="" />Some people breed so they can <a href="http://www.mlive.com/newsflash/national/index.ssf?/base/national-83/117550075553890.xml&storylist=national">sell their kids bodies for sex</a> with perverts who are willing to buy them. This supposed mother is as low as the filth she was selling her kids to. I can't believe such deviance is allowed to breed.<br />n<br />n<strong>The common argument that crime is caused by poverty is a kind of slander on the poor. H. L. Mencken</strong>



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