Good Luck

Good luck finding people to grow camelina for <a href="">this project</a> with grain prices as high as they are. I'm not sure how high wheat prices are but I heard barley is over $200 a ton and durham is over $20 a bushel, if you can find any. With these kinds of prices I'm not sure people are going to be willing to try an unproven, alternative crop out. <br />n<br />nAlso like I say, every acre of land we plant to a bio-fuel crop is one less acre that is there to feed people. Fuel for your vehicle or fuel for your body, which is more important to you? Which is more important for those poor in the world? By developing bio-fuels are we as a society causing poor people in the world to go hungry? Should we be concerned? Tough questions. Ethically which is more important. I know what concerns me, the question becomes what our society decides is more important. Feeding people or feeding vehicles. I fear our societies decision.<br />n<br />n<strong>I don't think a tough question is disrespectful. Helen Thomas</strong>



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