Category: food security

  • Times are Changing

    I remember not too long ago when Congress was mandating ethanol on all of us that I felt very alone when I started complaining that turning our food into fuel was not a very smart thing to do. That seemed to be a very unpopular view to be taking.<br />n<br />n<a href="">The Politics Of Ethanol…

  • Food vs Fuel

    Everybody that reads here knows I am seriously concerned about turning our food into fuel as we presently are in the US with corn to ethanol. I just wanted to clarify my position on this. I have no problem with bio-fuels. I just don't think the government should be mandating ethanol use or subsidizing its…

  • Shortage?

    <a href="">Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Many parts of America, long considered the breadbasket of the world, are now confronting a once unthinkable phenomenon: food rationing. Major retailers in New York, in areas of New England, and on the West Coast are limiting purchases of flour, rice, and cooking oil as demand…

  • Crazy

    I know everybody thinks me to be a loon when I talk about the dangers of higher food prices. It's starting to happen though.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Haiti's government falls after food riots</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Haiti's government fell on Saturday when senators fired the prime minister after more than a week of riots over food prices, ignoring…

  • Bio-Fuels Aren’t A Green Fuel

    I've heard over and over again how ethanol and bio-fuels are the new "green' fuel and are going to save our planet. Guess what, they appear to be wrong.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Biofuels Are Bad for Feeding People and Combating Climate Change</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Converting corn to ethanol in Iowa not only leads to clearing more of…

  • Palm Oil

    <a href="">A New, Global Oil Quandary: Costly Fuel Means Costly Calories</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Rising prices for cooking oil are forcing residents of Asia’s largest slum, in Mumbai, India, to ration every drop. Bakeries in the United States are fretting over higher shortening costs. And here in Malaysia, brand-new factories built to convert vegetable oil into diesel…

  • Ethanol Dilemma

    Everybody out there knows I am not a big fan of ethanol. Ethanol and bio fuels are in my opinion damaging our food security by turning our food into fuel. We have choices in our life and by filling up our SUV with food, we are driving the price of our food up which damages…

  • Win, Lose

    Now this is really ….. interesting. Part of the whole ethanol boom is the distillers grain that is available after the ethanol is made. This distillers grain has turned into a real boom for the cattle feeding buisness. The cattle feeders might be losing some corn but they are making up for it with the…

  • Good Luck

    Good luck finding people to grow camelina for <a href="">this project</a> with grain prices as high as they are. I'm not sure how high wheat prices are but I heard barley is over $200 a ton and durham is over $20 a bushel, if you can find any. With these kinds of prices I'm not…

  • Shortage

    I know, I know, you've heard me rant and rave about food security time and time again and you don't want to hear it any more. This one though might hit a little closer to home. It appears <a href="">beer prices are set to rise</a>. I know run around scream and yell, the world is…