Category: biodiesel

  • Good Luck

    Good luck finding people to grow camelina for <a href="">this project</a> with grain prices as high as they are. I'm not sure how high wheat prices are but I heard barley is over $200 a ton and durham is over $20 a bushel, if you can find any. With these kinds of prices I'm not…

  • Shoving It Down Our Throats

    Two years ago when the Montana Legislature was in session I wrote very often about the stupidity of the ethanol mandate they were trying to put in and how if consumers wanted ethanol the market would support them and their would be no need for a mandate. As usual, nobody listened and they voted in…

  • Enough To Eat

    <a href="" >Scientists urge research to aid in balancing food, energy needs</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>To ensure that there's enough corn to fuel humans as well as vehicles, scientists are urging more research into boosting corn yields and improving ethanol production.<br />n<br />nMany key issues related to expanding the nation's ethanol industry aren't being studied under current…