Category: ranchers

  • So True

    Some times things are going on that I have no way of relating to people who aren't in the agricultural business. <a href="">This story about rising prices for agricultural producers</a> is one of those things. It very clearly explains how rising production costs are really eating into any money we might be able to make…

  • Disaster Aid Try

    We all knew it was coming, the Democrats are <a href="">adding agricultural disaster aid</a> into a "supplemental spending bill." When I first saw this headline it looked like maybe Congress was finally going to get somewhere with Disaster aid for those who need it. It turns out I was wrong.<br />n<br />nThe Democrats are <a…

  • Quite A Change

    <a href="" >In epochal shift, half humanity to become urban</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>With the world poised to enter an urban age when more people will live in cities than in the countryside, Josiah Tobiko sees no need to move from his cow dung-covered hut in rural Kenya.<br />n<br />n"You can choose city life with televisions and…