Disaster Aid Try

We all knew it was coming, the Democrats are <a href="http://www.brownfieldnetwork.com/gestalt/go.cfm?objectid=32F6DE3C-B0AB-D5A0-DDB2E28D1840FA22">adding agricultural disaster aid</a> into a "supplemental spending bill." When I first saw this headline it looked like maybe Congress was finally going to get somewhere with Disaster aid for those who need it. It turns out I was wrong.<br />n<br />nThe Democrats are <a href="http://www.billingsgazette.net/articles/2007/03/09/news/state/40-iraq.txt">attaching this disaster aid to legislation that would withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq by next year</a>. This is a sure way to get the disaster aid vetoed by the President if they can even get it through Congress. <a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-6468532,00.html">Reports are</a> that the chances of getting this through the House are slim the way it is and the Senate isn't even considering anything remotly the same. Are the Democrats hoping to garner a few votes for their political Iraq agenda in the House by attaching disaster aid to it? I would say yes, that's what they are trying to do and it's wrong.<br />n<br />nI was hoping the Democrats would be above such political games as the Republicans used to play. It appears they aren't Would it be so difficult for the Democrats to allow a vote on Disaster aid in a package all by itself that isn't attached to such an emotionally charged issue as a mandatory troop withdrawal from Iraq? Obviously it is for them. <br />n<br />nThe disaster aid needs to be severed from this bill. Even if the House passes it, it will be vetoed and they don't have enough votes to get a veto overridden. How like politicians, get desperate people's hope up that you are going to help them then play a game to insure that it will be killed so you don't have to do it. That way you can claim you support the desperate people when you really don't. They were just the pawns in a power struggle for the 2008 elections. I hope farmers and ranchers recognize how they are being used here and why. The Congress doesn't want to help them, just use their pain in a game and laugh the whole time. What a mess, thanks to Politicians.<br />n<br />n<strong>For he who has health has hope; and he who has hope, has everything. Owen Arthur</strong>

