Category: politics

  • Disaster Aid

    <a href="" >Johanns unveils drought aid package</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>U.S. Ag Secretary Mike Johanns toured drought-ravaged areas of South Dakota Tuesday, then announced a new program for hard-hit livestock producers called the Livestock Assistance Grant Program (LAGP).<br />n<br />nUnder the program, <acronym title="United States Department of Agriculture, Bought and Paid for by The Big Meat Packers">USDA</acronym>…

  • Questions Unanswered

    The love fest for Tester has <a href="">started</a> but I am still wondering one thing. <br />n<br />nWHY WON'T HE ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!!!!<br />n<br />nJust over two weeks ago I emailed the Tester and Morrison Campaigns a series of questions regarding agricultural issues that are presently before the congress and asked for their opinion on…

  • Immigration Debate

    The big news today is the President's speech last night on immigration and his proposal to send <a href=""> National guard</a> troops to help shore up our Southern border. I've watched all this Immigration debate going on for the past couple of months and wondered, why has this become such a hot issue all of…