Category: politics

  • Which Road Will They Take

    It's been decided finally. <a href="">Republicans have gained control</a> of the Montana House after the Laurel recount. So which road will they take? Will they hold true to traditional Republican values of less government and lower taxes or will they just try to outspend the Democrats in an all out bid to win the elections…

  • ASAP

    Well, we <a href="">found out</a> what "as soon as possible" means to the Democrats in the Senate now haven't we. I <a href="">told everybody</a> not to get to excited about a seat on the Appropriations Committee for Jon Tester. Politicians are to slippery to take at their word. This whole thing is really just funnier…

  • Much Ado About Nothing/Something

    <a href="">Unlicensed Tester butchered neighbor's animals, wasn't cited</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jon Tester never had a state-required license for the butchering business he ran at his Big Sandy-area farm, but state records show an inspector visited the shop, but did not cite Tester for breaking the law.<br />n<br />nTester cut meat on an…

  • Access Restrictions

    I've heard rumors for quite a while now that to approach the Governor of our fair state, Brian Schweitzer, it is necessary to go through his brother. I never heard the name of this brother but I have heard that it is necessary to be very careful what you say because if he takes exception…

  • Excitement

    The large majority of left facing blogs in Montana are near orgasm over the news today.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Leaders promises Tester a seat on appropriations</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Democratic leaders in the U.S. Senate say they will give Jon Tester a seat on the influential Senate Appropriations Committee as soon as they can if he beats Republican…

  • A Crop In Itself

    <a href="">Aid Is a Bumper Crop for Farmers</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>In the spring of 2000, Congress decided to do something about its costly and politically driven practice of giving farmers a disaster payment each time a storm damaged their crops.<br />n<br />nThe lawmakers voted to use $8 billion in new taxpayer subsidies to help farmers buy…

  • Fiscally Responsible, Not

    In Montana's Senate Race, Jon Tester keeps portraying himself as fiscally conservative and wanting to balance the Federal budget. He continually blasts Sen Burns for cutting taxes and spending money that the country doesn't have. Now Tester has all kinds of ideas on how to spend money, extending CHIPS to all children, but I have…

  • Just Goes To Show You

    <a href="" >Rehberg opts out of signing House drought petition</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Montana's lone congressman is refusing to buck Republican leaders and join with Democrats to force a vote on drought assistance for the nation's farmers and ranchers.<br />n<br />nRep. Dennis Rehberg will not sign the House Democrats' petition that seeks to bring the matter to…

  • Democrats Come Out Firing

    <a href="" >House Democrats launch Discharge Petition</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Democratic members of the House of Representatives have introduced a discharge petition in an effort to bring ag disaster relief to the floor. Minnesota representative, Collin Peterson is Ranking Minority Member of the House Ag Committee; he says the real problem is a dispute over how any…

  • Disaster Aid Update

    The Democrats in the House are coming out swinging full guns on this one.<br />n<br />n<blockquote> September 12, 2006<br />n<br />nThe Honorable Dennis Hastert The Honorable John Boehner<br />nSpeaker Majority Leader<br />nU.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives<br />nWashington DC 20515 Washington DC 20515<br />n<br />nDear Speaker Hastert and Majority Leader Boehner:<br />n<br />nWe…