Category: darling wife

  • Nutrition

    <a href="">Fruits, vegetables not as nutritious as 50 years ago</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>In spite of what Mother taught you about the benefits of eating broccoli, data collected by the U.S. government show that the nutritional content of America's vegetables and fruits has declined during the past 50 years — in some cases dramatically.<br />n<br />nDonald Davis,…

  • How Many Years?

    How many years can you stand to be married to your spouse? <a href="">This couple</a> has been married 72 years. That's right, 72 years. That just blows my mind for some reason.<br />n<br />nIt's hard sometimes to think I have been married to My Darling Wife for almost 14 years but to make 72, that's…