How Many Years?

How many years can you stand to be married to your spouse? <a href="">This couple</a> has been married 72 years. That's right, 72 years. That just blows my mind for some reason.<br />n<br />nIt's hard sometimes to think I have been married to My Darling Wife for almost 14 years but to make 72, that's just something. Hell, I would have to be over 100 to accomplish the same feat with My Darling Wife. That's what happens when you wait for the right one. You get married a little older.<br />n<br />nI've told My Wife more than once, if she wants to get rid of me, she will have to shoot me. I'm still alive so either I'm OK as a hubby or she's afraid of going to jail. I'm not sure which.<br />n<br />n<b>As one grows older, one becomes wiser and more foolish. Francois De La Rochefoucauld</b>



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