Category: blizzard

  • Memories

    The recent Blizzards in Colorado and a book I am reading have reminded me of the winter of 96-97 in this area. It rivaled the historical winter of 1887 in it's ferocity and snow cover around here. It started in mid October and didn't end until mid April.<br />n<br />nI have never fed cows so…

  • Storm Cattle Update

    <a href="" >Colorado Blizzard Could Top ’97 Storm’s Livestock Death Toll</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Colorado Agriculture Commissioner Don Ament told Meatingplace today that he expects a Dec. 28 blizzard that hit the Rocky Mountain state will be a crueler killer than a 1997 storm that claimed 30,000 heads of livestock in the same region.<br />n<br />nAment said…