Category: Education

  • Guards

    Armed security guards in public schools. For better or worse it's a sign of our times in a lot of places around the country. I understand security guards are used instead of police because they are so much cheaper but we can hope they don't shoot any better than <a title="Guard Shoots Student in Foot…

  • Fight

    I am glad <a href="" target="_blank">this teacher</a> isn't around here.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>After Amica (parent) wrestled the bag away, police say Rucker (teacher) picked up a chair and hit her in the back, knocking Amica to the floor. Rucker then began punching Amica in the face and body. <br />n<br />nDuring the fight, the girl was…

  • Prejudice

    This kind of <a href="" target="_blank">vandalism/prejudice</a> is not necessary. It just shows the world how ignorant some people are. I have in my life been prejudiced against certain people, which I picked up from family, but I have tried real hard to overcome it and feel I have. I have also lived in places where…

  • Scared

    I don't think <a href="">they are as much worried</a> about the quality of instruction as they are afraid of the competition this affords parents in their choice of educating their children. Whether in public school or home school a student can have poor instruction and school officials need to clean up their own house before…

  • School

    In a week school will start for the kids around here and <a href="">this story</a> reminds me of one of the real important things that you don't seem to have any control over, the bus driver. My Darling wife home schools the youngest two, who start today, but the oldest gets to ride the bus…

  • Indian Education for All

    Education is one of our most fundamental goals that we as a society can provide for our children so spending our scant education dollars on things that are talked about in <a href="">this article </a>is questionable to me. All I ever hear about is that we need to spend more money on education to properly…