Category: Education

  • Get Real

    People really need to realize that animals are animals and will do what they do. It seems like in Germany that people are upset that a polar bear, Knut, <a href=",1518,545790,00.html">killed 10 fish and ate them</a>.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Germany's top-selling daily Bild reported that onlookers were disgusted by the spectacle. The newspaper ran the headline "Knut…

  • Drought and Corn Prices

    I brought up the fact recently that a drought in the corn belt due to the La Nina currently in place could really affect the corn prices and affect the price of food for all of us. I got accused of only caring for this because of how it affects the beef market. I will…

  • Arm Twisting

    My daughter come home from school a couple of days ago with an interesting story. She told me some women was at the school trying to round up kids to go on a bus trip for Helena in support of the Jail in Hardin to try to pressure the state to let them place inmates…

  • Bio-Fuels Aren’t A Green Fuel

    I've heard over and over again how ethanol and bio-fuels are the new "green' fuel and are going to save our planet. Guess what, they appear to be wrong.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Biofuels Are Bad for Feeding People and Combating Climate Change</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Converting corn to ethanol in Iowa not only leads to clearing more of…

  • Rancher

    I saw a term the other day that really made me scratch my head. Sustainable Cattle Rancher. Now I'll admit to only being a dumb cowboy but this doesn't make much sense. Maybe I need to look up the term sustainable.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>sustainable- of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a…

  • Scary

    <a href="" title="">Obama Pledges Support for Animal Rights</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote> HENDERSON, Nev. (AP) – Democrat Barack Obama says he won't just be a president for the American people, but the animals too. <br />n "What about animal rights?" a woman shouted out during the candidate's town hall meeting outside Las Vegas Wednesday after he discussed…

  • Free Speech, Or Is It?

    I thank <a href="">Craig</a> for bringing <a href="">this</a> to my attention. It appears that the University of Montana has limits on the amount of money a student can spend on a campaign for student government offices.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) allocates student activity fees, which are public funds, and…

  • Overstated

    <a href=",13706.asp">Organic claims often overstated</a><br />n<br />nAnybody who has read here long know that I am a fan of good wholesome food. That does not mean I support organic food though. I don't see anything special about it. The article I linked states that organic food does decrease the chemical load we take in. Two…

  • Degree

    I guess real world, practical education doesn't cut it any more.<br />n<br />n<a href="">College offers degree in master ranching</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Once upon a time, in the Wild West, all it took to raise cattle was land, grass and cowboys who knew how to rope the critters. Now, it may take an MBA.<br />n<br />nTexas A&M-Kingsville's…

  • Troublesome

    I found <a href="">this article</a> about pig disease in China very troublesome. I read it yesterday morning and had to let it run around my pea sized brain for a while but it struck me as a problem.<br />n<br />nWhat's so troublesome about it? China is so worried about making money off the vaccine for…