Get Real

People really need to realize that animals are animals and will do what they do. It seems like in Germany that people are upset that a polar bear, Knut, <a href=",1518,545790,00.html">killed 10 fish and ate them</a>.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Germany's top-selling daily Bild reported that onlookers were disgusted by the spectacle. The newspaper ran the headline "Knut Embroiled in Carp Scandal" and quoted animal welfare campaigners as criticizing the zoo for letting Knut eat live vertebrates in breach of German animal protection regulations.</blockquote> <br />n<br />nIt seems to me like the bear was just being a bear. Why would people be disgusted by it? Maybe this would be good for them to understand animals a little better. They are not just cute and cuddly teddy bears. They are animals with animal motivations. This is the thing I think those that espouse animal rights fail to understand. Animals do what animals do. There is nothing to be disgusted about. it just is.<br />n<br />n<strong>Ignorance is the primary source of all misery and vice. Victor Cousin </strong>




