Category: Cattle Buisness

  • Checkoff

    I see that the <acronym title="United States Cattleman's Association">USCA</acronym> is <a href="">starting a push</a> to have part of the beef checkoff funds used to promote just domestic beef. This ties in really with the push <acronym title="United States Cattleman's Association">USCA</acronym> is making for Mandatory <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym>. As long as the beef checkoff…

  • Sour Grapes

    The Montana Stockgrowers Association has a <a href="">little beef</a> with Gov. Schweitzer. How much of there problem with him is real and how much is sour grapes I'm not sure. It used to be members of the Montana Stockgrowers dominated the Livestock board but nowadays they don't so I think <u>some</u> sour grapes is involved.<br…

  • Opposition

    I've talked before about <a href="">Canadian producers opposing <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym></a>, but now there is new opposition out there to <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym> in the US that really surprised me.<br />n<br />n<blockquote> The New Zealand Government has been lobbying the United States Department of Agriculture not to introduce food origin labelling…

  • China’s Cattle

    I found <a href="">this article</a> about the possible competition from China for the beef industry interesting. Am I overly worried about China importing meat to the US? No. Where I see the problem coming is the competition in some of the foreign markets like Japan and South Korea that China could give us. That seems…

  • Outlooks

    Beef herd expansion in the US <a href="">is still on hold</a> so the outlook for beef prices holding up is good. That's good news to me the producer, we won't talk about you the consumers. The funny thing is that weather is still the driving force here just like it is on fires recently. Everybody…

  • Ownership

    I found this article interesting.<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Family ranchers fighting growing meatpacking industry</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Eric Nelson, a fourth-generation rancher and farmer who operates a feedlot here, isn't looking for more government cash like many farmers are. But he's still hoping for a little help when the Senate debates a farm bill this fall.<br />n<br…

  • Resume

    <a href="" >S.Korea to resume US beef inspections</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>South Korea's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry said Friday that imports of U.S. beef can resume as it will restart quarantine inspections suspended since earlier this month.<br />n<br />nSouth Korea had again effectively stopped all U.S. beef imports in early August after discovering shipment containing a…

  • Curiosity

    I would really be curious to know the whole story <a href="">here</a>. We cattlemen were being told a couple of years ago that packing plants in Canada would hurt US packing plants and start a trend which would require us to ship fats to Canada to be butchered there. I personally thought it was a…

  • Interesting

    I found <a href="" >this article about preconditioned calves</a> interesting. They give a very good explanation about modern methods of preconditioning. I found it interesting because I don't do it.<br />n<br />nI do it the old fashioned way, pull them off the cow and load them on the truck straight to the buyer. No preconditioning,…

  • Opposition

    It appears that their is some opposition developing to the latest Mandatory <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym> passed by the Congress. It seems that <a href="">Canadians</a> are upset that cattle born and raised in Canada but slaughtered in the US aren't considered US Beef.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>The only way to avoid the discrimination against Canadian animals…