
I've talked before about <a href="http://www.sarpysam.com/archives/2482-Running-Scared.html">Canadian producers opposing <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym></a>, but now there is new opposition out there to <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym> in the US that really surprised me.<br />n<br />n<blockquote> The New Zealand Government has been lobbying the United States Department of Agriculture not to introduce food origin labelling on meat, fish and other perishable agricultural goods.</blockquote><br />n<br />nYes, of all things, the New Zealand government has been <a href="http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/latest/200709182003/nz_lobbying_us_against_origin_labels">submitting comments to <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym></a> in the US opposed to such a thing. Above and beyond the New Zealand government submitting comments, Meat and Wool New Zealand also submitted comments opposing US <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym>. I really didn't know they were so scared of US beef down in New Zealand.<br />n<br />nThis opposition of US <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym> was all done under the background of groups in New Zealand pushing for thier own <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym> laws.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>New Zealand now imports almost 1.5 million tonnes of food a year, and the Green Party says the public have a right to know what they are eating.<br />n<br />nThe party last month launched a campaign calling for mandatory country of origin food labelling.</blockquote><br />n<br />nIt will be interesting to see how this plays out. Who will win this <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym> fight here and in New Zealand. While I am not a big supporter of <acronym title="Country of Origin Labeling">COOL</acronym>, what is so bad about labeling meat to its country of origin? Isn't New Zealand proud of its product and want it labeled? If we are proud of ours shouldn't we label it? I don't think there is a food safety issue involved here, more a issue of national pride if nothing else.<br />n<br />n<strong>I hate people like that… who have no pride in themselves. Katie Price </strong>



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