Category: Camelina

  • Camelina

    <a href="">Fuel-maker offers more for camelina</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Competition from surging grain prices prompted a Bigfork biofuels developer to announce Friday it will boost its contract price for the oilseed crop camelina.<br />n<br />nGreat Plains – The Camelina Co. is one of two groups with plans to produce a combined 200 million gallons of biofuels annually…

  • Good Luck

    Good luck finding people to grow camelina for <a href="">this project</a> with grain prices as high as they are. I'm not sure how high wheat prices are but I heard barley is over $200 a ton and durham is over $20 a bushel, if you can find any. With these kinds of prices I'm not…

  • Internet Outage

    I'm more excited than a gopher in soft dirt, my Internet's back. Monday the 11th, something went out on my Internet and it has taken until now to get it restored. It really has shown me how much I rely on the internet for my news and information. I wish to thank everyone that attempted…