Eight Random Things

<a href="http://lizditz.typepad.com/i_speak_of_dreams">Liz</a> has tagged me for the <a href="http://lizditz.typepad.com/i_speak_of_dreams/2007/07/8-random-things.html">8 Random Things meme</a>. I kn ow, I didn't get it done right away but better late than never.<br />n<br />nThese are the rules which I am by no means obligated to follow.<br />n<br />n1. Let others know who tagged you.<br />n2. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.<br />n3. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.<br />n4. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.<br />n<br />nWell, I will tell you right now I will not tag 8 more people. Not my style, so that rule is broken, otherwise I will give this a try.<br />n<br />nRandom things? That's a damn broad category. What kind of random things should I post, what should I say? This is tougher than you think, believe me.<br />n<br />n1. When I was in high school I took a trip to the East Coast during one summer and visited some of the large cities. One of them was New York City. My biggest memory of the stay in New York was when I got up to the motel room and opened the window to look out. All I could see was a big sign that had one word on it. WHOREHOUSE. That's all it said in huge letters. Come to find out it was the advertising for the Broadway play, Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.<br />n<br />n2. When I was younger I could drive all over and not have any problem. Nowadays it is all I can do to stay awake while I am driving. I am okay if My Darling Wife is along but alone it's tough. I would be curious to know why I get so tired now days. I'm not that old.<br />n<br />n3. Speaking of age, My Darling Wife is simply amazed that I am still living at the same address as is listed on my birth certificate. What, is this unusual? Yea, I know it is, but is that a problem?<br />n<br />n4. I haven't voted for a winning President in about the last 6 elections now. I'm sure not batting very good on that. In fact it's rare that I am ever on the same side as a winning candidate or issue. It does happen once in a while, but not very often. Does that m mean I am cantankerous? <br />n<br />n5. If I had the time, energy and money, I would love to visit Europe. It used to be Australia but now Europe holds an appeal as something interesting to see. But, the three things I mention hold me back.<br />n<br />nDamn, this whole 8 random things is tough, what now?<br />n<br />n6. I've always been fascinated with computers. I bought my first one in 1981 and have owned one ever since. In fact I almost have always had more than one and now I am busy building them myself. Next on the agenda is to build a photo picture frame from scrap, making the wood frame and everything, using a mini itx board. It will be a little mini wooden computer that shows pictures. I have the concept in mind but if it will work like I want, I don't know.<br />n<br />n7. I am a grease and oil magnet. Get me anywhere near the damn stuff and it just magically jumps and gets all over me. I've had guys working here that can grease a piece of equipment up and stay clean as a whistle, I look at a grease gun and I am filthy. Give me good, clean cow shit any day. At least it's organic.<br />n<br />n8. You might all know that while I was in the Navy, I served on submarines. What you might not know is I am scared to death to put my head under water. I can't dive, snorkel, anything like that. I can swim as long as it is the backstroke or side stroke since I don't have to put my face in the water. Pretty weird isn't it.<br />n<br />nThere, eight things. It's a lot tougher than you think. Enjoy.<br />n<br />n<strong>O! many a shaft, at random sent, Finds mark the archer little meant! And many a word, at random spoken, May soothe or wound a heart that's broken! Walter Scott </strong>



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