Category: Blog Stuff

  • Site News

    I have updated some underlying programs on the web server hosting this site and because of this there might be some problems leaving comments. If you have any problems please try to contact me using the link on the right or failing that use my alternate account at sarpy[dot]sam[at]gmail[dot]com. If you are contacting me about…

  • Question

    There was a statement over at <a href="">Left in the West</a> that I was curious about. Since the public is not allowed to openly comment on the site I will pose my question here.<br />n<br />nJay <a href="">made the comment</a> that "Now's the the time to start talking about cheaper, sustainable sources of energy that…

  • The Spoon

    I don't very often note new blogs by mentioning them here, i just add them to my Blogroll but <a href="">The Spoon</a> is a little different. Why? My Darling Wife, Mae, among many others, is posting there and contributing. So, if you like cooking or eating, go check out <a href="">The Spoon</a>.<br />n<br />n<strong>To raise…

  • Comments

    I have had a couple of people telling me that they are having trouble commenting here on my new site. I think I have rectified the problem so keep trying and let me know if you are still having a problem. If you do have a problem, you can email me at sarpysam at this…

  • Changes

    Boy, changes are going on fast and furious. I move to my new space here so I can self host and now I see <a href="">Rebels Are We!</a> has moved to new space so they can self host too.<br />n<br />nThen <a href="">Dave Budge</a> decides to branch out and start a food related blog called…

  • Knowledge

    Don't you just love when people bring up a subject that you are not real sure why it's important. <a href="">Cliff Mason</a> questions my knowledge of firefighting as compared to Conrad Burns knowledge of firefighting in relation to my memories of a large fire on my place and what triggered those memories.<br />n<br />nWell Cliff…

  • Interesting Concept

    Now here is a real interesting concept, a <a href="">Blogging Union</a>. Now I'm no expert on unions but usually they are formed to protect the workers safety and wages. Does this mean that I would get paid for doing this? If I were in a blogging union would I be protected from having to blog…

  • Banned?

    I wonder if I have been banned from <a href="" >Montana Netroots</a> for some reason. I try to leave a comment on <a href="">this post</a> and nothing happens. If I try to put the comment in again it just tells me it is a duplicate comment. I'll leave the comment here then.<br />n<br />n<strong>Comment</strong>:I'm curious…

  • Eight Random Things

    <a href="">Liz</a> has tagged me for the <a href="">8 Random Things meme</a>. I kn ow, I didn't get it done right away but better late than never.<br />n<br />nThese are the rules which I am by no means obligated to follow.<br />n<br />n1. Let others know who tagged you.<br />n2. Players start with 8 random…

  • Bounce Around the Mind

    It's one of those damn things that nothing works out the way you want. All the rain this spring was great, nut the thing I feared is coming true. It is turning hot and dry and the fire danger is going up very fast around here. I know I am still haying but a rainstorm…