Association of Montana Bloggers

Colby over at <a href="">Rebels Are We!</a> has gotten the idea to start the <a href="">Association of Montana Bloggers</a>.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Welcome to the founding post of the Association of Montana Bloggers. Now, I know what you are thinking; another Montana community blog. Well, no. My intent is not to start a new blog per say, but I do have some goals:<br />n<br />nTo found an association dedicated to advancing and exposing Montana blogs and bloggers.<br />n<br />nTo have a site chronicling every Montana blog; no matter the theme, size, or slant.<br />n<br />nTo start an annual Montana blogger’s convention as a means of networking with other Montana writers and advancing our hobby/craft/art.</blockquote><br />n<br />nI've thrown my hat in and said I will think about the situation. Anybody that has any ideas on how to "advancing and exposing Montana blogs and bloggers" should go on over to the new site and let Colby know. I said I will think about it and I still am. No definite ideas yet but maybe inspiration will strike, or maybe lightning will strike me first, who knows. Go visit <a href="">Association of Montana Bloggers</a>.<br />n<br />n<strong>I would like new people with new ideas to come into it and change it. Neville Marriner </strong>




