Perverse Pleasure

The other day when we got mail I noticed that the State of Montana doesn't waste any time getting it's tax forms out. I not only received one book of tax forms, I received two books with all the instructions and forms so I can file my taxes. Real nice, prompt and helpful of the State isn't it.<br />n<br />nI actually did get some satisfaction out of these forms though oddly enough. When I took the garbage out and burned it, yes I burn my garbage, I kept the tax forms out and once the fire got going really good I put the tax forms in the fire and watched them burn. It really was pleasurable to watch them burn. Watching the flames curl each page and start it burning was hypnotic and gave me a lift. Then the next page would catch and I would get the same pleasurable feeling again. Is this how drug addicts feel with their drug of choice? This lightness and sweetness? This loss of time and space while your drug of choice does its thing? I can now see what the allure of drugs are if they give this kind of pleasure. Page after page curling up and burning, the flames reaching higher and the ash rising up and falling down like leaves of a big tree floating to the earth. Leaves of the government money tree falling down never to bother me again.<br />n<br />nThe whole thing was majestic. It somehow gave me a lift for the whole day and made me feel better. Simple things for simple minds I guess.<br />n<br />n<strong>To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer. Mohandas Gandhi</strong>



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