Category: taxes

  • Curiosity

    I would be really curious to know how much of my tax money the Governor has convinced the <a href="">Air Force to spend on this Coal to Fuel project</a> at Malmstrom. Why is it necessary for the Air Force to get into making fuel? I know planes take a lot of fuel but is it…

  • A Different Idea

    After my <a href="">little rant this morning</a> I thought about the situation a little and wondered if there wasn't a way to support the use of alternative fuels without the Legislators needing to shove a mandate down our throats like they so love doing. I did come up with an idea, I might not like…

  • Perverse Pleasure

    The other day when we got mail I noticed that the State of Montana doesn't waste any time getting it's tax forms out. I not only received one book of tax forms, I received two books with all the instructions and forms so I can file my taxes. Real nice, prompt and helpful of the…

  • Enhanced Wireless 911 HB 27

    Montana Legislature alert. (I'll add this to all post that are very strictly about the Legislature for those not interested.)<br />nWith the Montana Legislature in session I have been paging through the <a href="$BAIV.return_all_bills">bills proposed</a> and a few caught my eye. Here is one.<br />n<br />n<a href="">HB 27</a><br />n<br />nEstablish wireless enhanced 9-1-1 system<br />n<br…

  • Wishing

    <a href="" >Schweitzer: Budget plan works</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote><a href="">Gov. Brian Schweitzer</a> said he thinks his budget proposals, which include double-digit spending increases, are sustainable for future years, contrary to warnings in a new legislative analysis.<br />n<br />nSchweitzer said much of the spending is "one-time" for such things as repairing buildings and fixing a troubled state…

  • Corporate Taxes

    Thanks to <a href="">Montana Main Street Blog</a> For <a href="">this one</a>. We see that US <a href="">corporate tax rates</a> are second highest in the world. In 2000 the US was rated 6th. The US Corporate tax rate hasn't changed as much as other countries has went down.<br />n<br />nThis was all interesting but what I…

  • Fiscally Responsible, Not

    In Montana's Senate Race, Jon Tester keeps portraying himself as fiscally conservative and wanting to balance the Federal budget. He continually blasts Sen Burns for cutting taxes and spending money that the country doesn't have. Now Tester has all kinds of ideas on how to spend money, extending CHIPS to all children, but I have…

  • Who’s He Trying to Fool.

    Gov. Brian Schweitzer is trying to pass the buck yet again but this time I don't think it's going to work.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Schweitzer proposes suspending water-rights fee</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote><a href="">Gov. Brian Schweitzer</a> said Wednesday that he wants to repeal the so-called "water tax" and issue refunds to those who have paid it in sums…

  • Stupid Ideas

    A lot of people are complaining about the <a href="">profits the oil industry</a> is making and have all kinds of solutions as to how to help consumers past this stretch of high gas prices. The stupidest of these I've heard is a $100 fuel-cost rebate for millions of taxpayers and suspending the federal 18.4-cent-per-gallon gasoline…

  • Whose To Blame

    <a href="">Tax preparers make many mistakes: study</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Professional tax preparers make significant errors on returns and often charge the taxpayer more than the client had been told to expect, according to a government study released on Tuesday.<br />n<br />nThe study by the Government Accountability Office was a very limited one, involving 19 outlets of…