No Response From Jon Tester

I again post my woes about trying to get the Democratic US Senate candidate <a href="">Jon Tester</a> to answer my questions regarding agricultural issues at the Federal level and his positions on them. The reason I bring this up again is the excellent response the <a href="">Monica Lindeen</a> campaign, the Democratic candidate for the US House, returned when I asked the same questions to her. A few of the issues are still outstanding with her but the majority of the questions I have received an answer to.<br />n<br />nI've asked this question before, received no adequate response except the comment to leave Tester alone, he's busy, and I ask it again. If Tester is such a man of the people, especially agricultural folks, why won't he answer simple questions like his position on <acronym title="National Animal Identification System">NAIS</acronym> or his position on the farm bill and the goals the farm bill should be supporting? These aren't tough questions to answer so why can't I, a registered voter in Montana, get an answer? The Lindeen campaign feels my vote is important enough to respond to the questions with useful information. Why not Tester? Am I not supposed to vote for Tester on the issues he supports or am I just supposed to vote for him because Conrad Burns is a liar and a crook? <br />n<br />nI personally want more information on the issues and am getting sick and tired of waiting for it. If the Lindeen campaign can respond to my questions in less than 12 hours why can't the Tester campaign do the same? The only reason I can figure is Tester doesn't want to talk about the issues, just about whether he's prettier than Burns or not. A beauty contest, how sickening.<br />n<br />n<strong>Voters don't decide issues, they decide who will decide issues. George Will</strong>

