Category: Jon Tester

  • Revisionist History

    Don't you just love when people change the sequence of events in history to make their cause look so wonderful? Since <a href="">Left in The West</a> doesn't allow comments anymore unless registered, I guess they can't stand to hear dissent, I will have to dispute <a href="">this piece</a> here.<br />n<br />nBasically the story is about…

  • ASAP

    Well, we <a href="">found out</a> what "as soon as possible" means to the Democrats in the Senate now haven't we. I <a href="">told everybody</a> not to get to excited about a seat on the Appropriations Committee for Jon Tester. Politicians are to slippery to take at their word. This whole thing is really just funnier…

  • Much Ado About Nothing/Something

    <a href="">Unlicensed Tester butchered neighbor's animals, wasn't cited</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jon Tester never had a state-required license for the butchering business he ran at his Big Sandy-area farm, but state records show an inspector visited the shop, but did not cite Tester for breaking the law.<br />n<br />nTester cut meat on an…

  • The Budget, Jon Tester, And The Truth

    <a href="">Tester Would Boost Budget by $89.4 Billion, Burns by $1.2 Billion, NTUF Study of Candidates' Platforms Shows</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>As Montana Senate candidates Jon Tester and Conrad Burns court voters down the final campaign stretch, taxpayers can look to their platforms for real distinctions: that's the assessment of a study released today by the non-partisan…

  • Excitement

    The large majority of left facing blogs in Montana are near orgasm over the news today.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Leaders promises Tester a seat on appropriations</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Democratic leaders in the U.S. Senate say they will give Jon Tester a seat on the influential Senate Appropriations Committee as soon as they can if he beats Republican…

  • Fiscally Responsible, Not

    In Montana's Senate Race, Jon Tester keeps portraying himself as fiscally conservative and wanting to balance the Federal budget. He continually blasts Sen Burns for cutting taxes and spending money that the country doesn't have. Now Tester has all kinds of ideas on how to spend money, extending CHIPS to all children, but I have…

  • Sen Burns Delivers

    A big part of Sen. Conrad Burns re-election campign, is how he delivers money to the state with his senority and how if Tester were elected, it wouldn't happen. So, how is Conrad's latest effort to bring the bacon home going?<br />n<br />n<a href="" >Senate leaders turn back Conrad disaster bill</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>The third time…

  • Minimum Wage

    Jon Tester's <a href="">spiel about a living wage</a> in today's Gazette bothers me a little.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>All Montanans are encouraged by our state's recent surge of economic expansion. After more than a decade of stagnation, unemployment is down, per capita income is up and regions of Montana are experiencing rapid economic growth.<br />n<br />nBut if…

  • Surprising

    <a href="">Candidate participation is abysmal — again</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Once again, the majority of Montana legislative candidates have ignored the public interest and failed to participate in the survey conducted by the nonpartisan Project Vote Smart.<br />n<br />nAnd for the first time in the past three election cycles, one of Montana's statewide candidates — Democratic Senate…

  • Canadian BSE

    I have not commented on the latest <a href="">cow with <acronym title="Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy">BSE</acronym> in Canada</a> because testing caught it and it was an older cow born before the 1997 feed ban. In a way the whole <acronym title="Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy">BSE</acronym> thing has become a non issue to the public and with other things going…