
I know everybody thinks me to be a loon when I talk about the dangers of higher food prices. It's starting to happen though.<br />n<br />n<a href="">Haiti's government falls after food riots</a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Haiti's government fell on Saturday when senators fired the prime minister after more than a week of riots over food prices, ignoring a plan presented by the president to slash the cost of rice.<br />n<br />nSixteen of 17 senators at a special session voted against Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis, an ally President Rene Preval placed at the head of a coalition cabinet in June 2006 that was meant to unite the fractious Caribbean nation.</blockquote><br />n<br />nA week of rioting then the government falls. Starvation, disorder, sounds interesting, don't it? <br />n<br />nI know the main culprit I blame is Bio-fuel use but it is only one of the culprits causing the problems. Some blame speculators, some blame higher fuel costs and others blame rising demand for food in Asia. Probable all of these things have some truth in them. <br />n<br />nThe high food costs appear to have the financial heads of many countries concerned at <a href="">their latest meeting</a> but no definite ideas how to help have come out. They think if rich countries would put up more money for food aid to poorer countries it would help out the situation. I'm not so sure that food aid will help out that much. Much of the time food aid in poorer countries doesn't get to the poor people who need it, it's just swallowed up by the people in power who misuse it.<br />n<br />nThese food riots and governments falling are only going to get worse with the price of food rising as it is. We are in for a wild ride. I'm not looking forward to it.<br />n<br />n<strong>A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? Albert Einstein</strong>



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