
Boy, changes are going on fast and furious. I move to my new space here so I can self host and now I see <a href="">Rebels Are We!</a> has moved to new space so they can self host too.<br />n<br />nThen <a href="">Dave Budge</a> decides to branch out and start a food related blog called <a href="">The Spoon</a>. He is handing out logins for anyone interested in helping him out on this one. So far <a href="">Mike</a> and <a href="">Mae</a> have taken him up on his offer so if you like to eat, who doesn't, join in. Yes Dave, I would agree that she's my better half.<br />n<br />nThen I see <a href="">Randy</a> is soliciting offers for a new name for his blog. The humour impaired in this world <a href="">objected</a> to his old name so out of respect he is changing it. Any and all ideas are for names are being accepted. Since SFO is in the address it should probably work with those initials. Situationally Fouled Octopus, Soulful Fried Onions, Sure Fired Orator, I don't know but get your Ideas out there.<br />n<br />nI'm kind of curious to see if any more changes develop in Montana's little corner of the Internet. As I told <a href="">Amber</a>, "change <u>can</u> be good</a>". We'll wait and see.<br />n<br />n<strong>If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living. Gail Sheehy</strong>
