That Was Quick

No sooner did I put an ad up with Montana Job Service for a hired hand and now I have a new Hired Hand. Usually it takes months to find somebody but this time a qualified guy stepped up right out of the box and I went ahead and hired him. I really need somebody out here to help calve out heifers so I didn't want to fool around. Funny thing was that this guy applied in November when I was looking for a new hand. I had all ready hired the new guy so I wasn't looking when his application came in. What goes around comes around I guess.<br />n<br />nNow I just need to get my present guy out of here and the new guy in. My present guy went up to his new job on Friday and looked for a place to live. He said nothing was available to rent so he plans on getting a bank loan and buying a house and moving into it next week. Some things you have to learn the hard way so I didn't tell him things don't move that quick and he had better come up with an alternate plan. The sooner he gets out the sooner the new guy can move in and start.<br />n<br />n<strong>I like to be surprised. Fresh implications and plot twists erupt as a story unfolds. Characters develop backgrounds, adding depth and feeling. Writing feels like exploring. David Brin</strong>



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