Category: hired hand

  • Here

    Well, the new hired hand is here and working. He is Internet savvy enough that I am not going to say any thing above and beyond that. I hope it works out for both of us. <br />n<br />n<strong>I've been conned a couple of times, but now I'm a little more savvy. Maggie Gyllenhaal </strong>

  • Miracles Can Happen

    Miracles are one of those things you like to believe in but rarely see. I remember cheering during the "miracle on ice." Lately Huckabee has been saying he majored in miracles, not math. I didn't major in anything but common sense. Miracles can happen though.<br />n<br />nI all ready have a new hired hand. Usually…

  • Disgust

    Yesterday was one of those days. I was disgusted most of the day. The thing that really set it off was the Hired Hand quit. Not that he was that great of guy but with calving going on he was better than nothing. He is going to stay up till the first but would like…

  • Fire

    Too much excitement around here for me. Monday afternoon the hired hand come running home saying there was a fire. Boy he was excited about it. We went running over to see where it was and what we could do. I told My Darling Wife I didn't want to call it in yet because I…

  • Changes

    It's amazing the difference a year can make. Last year I would have given anything to get some rain. This year I am to the point I will give anything to get it to quit raining. It has rained the last 3 days here and we have gotten over 4 inches of rain. Total in…

  • Farming

    I know posting has been lacking here of late but I have been fairly busy and not had much time to post. I finally got all the cattle where I wanted them this week and got some farming done.<br />n<br />nI finished the renovating Saturday, covered almost 800 acres in 4 days, and am now…

  • Slow

    Boy, things are going slow around here. As far behind as I am getting they should be going fast, but they're not. I'm not really complaining though. What's slowing me down is rain and more rain and more rain. It keeps it to wet to do most of the work I need to do right…

  • Just Go Away

    I've always liked the saying, Don't go away mad, just go away. Well the hired hand didn't follow this advice. He left, but he left madder than hell. It's been coming for awhile so in a way it wasn't a surprise, but it sure was sudden.<br />n<br />nWe were out doing morning chores this morning…

  • Translation

    Sometimes what a hired hand says needs a little translation. I thought I would jot down some of it here. When you interview them o course they know how to do it all and they are the best you've ever seen at it. Then once they start working watch out for some of these phrases.<br…

  • Gone

    Well, the hired hand is history. He left last night. I can't say it hurts my feelings, I'm just not looking forward to dealing with a new one. He should be here Saturday.<br />n<br />nThe old hired hand had his Dad come down to help him move out. He had a flatbed trailer and had…