Educators Out Of Control

<a href="" >Handicapped Child Charged For Wetting Pants </a><br />n<br />n<blockquote>Prosecutors are declining to prosecute disorderly conduct charges brought against a 12-year-old special education student who school officials accused of deliberately wetting her pants at school.<br />n<br />nThe girl was charged with disorderly conduct after school officials reported an incident to police which occurred on Dec. 20 in the school kitchen. The girl had assisted classmates and teachers in preparing a holiday luncheon at the Danville Middle School. After the luncheon was served in the school library, the girl was told to go to the kitchen to wash pots and pans but she declined.<br />n<br />nAccording to reports, upon her refusal, teachers called principal Kevin Duckwork. When he confronted the girl, she wet her pants. Her mother said she did so accidentally because she is frightened of Duckwork but school officials maintained she wet herself deliberately and called police.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSo a special education student is first ordered to go wash dishes in the kitchen of the school, what is this, slave labor? Then when she refuses to do it the teachers sick the principal on her who scares the girl so much she wets her pants so in the schools infinite wisdom what do they do? Have the girl arrested. <br />n<br />nPeople wonder what the problem with public education is, this is a perfect example. Teachers and administrators in the school brainwash the children to follow their every order or suffer the consequences. The consequences which they prove here is jail. I continually have a battle with my oldest who is in public school that while she has to be respectful to teachers, she doesn't have to follow every order they give her. She is always telling me that I can't go in and talk to the teachers the way I do because I will get in trouble and they will "do something" to me. I tell her that teachers and administrators in the school are just people like me and I can deal with them any way is necessary. If she doesn't want me to go deal with them she needs to grow a backbone and deal with them herself. She has learned to do this but it is tough for her. <br />n<br />nThe teachers and Principal in our school system have most of the kids and parents so scared that they don't handle being challenged well. They control the school through fear and intimidation. Quite the learning environment, isn't it.<br />n<br />n<strong>The whole commerce between master and slave is a perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism on the one part, and degrading submissions on the other. Our children see this, and learn to imitate it. Thomas Jefferson</strong>



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