Headlights SB 194

Montana Legislature alert. (I'll add this to all post that are very strictly about the Legislature for those not interested.)<br />nWith the Montana Legislature in session I have been paging through the <a href="http://laws.leg.mt.gov/pls/laws07/LAW0217W$BAIV.return_all_bills">bills proposed</a> and a few caught my eye. Here is one.<br />n<br />n<a href="http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/2007/billhtml/SB0194.htm">SB 194</a><br />n<br />nRequire driving with headlights on at all times<br />n<br />n<blockquote>A driver of a vehicle that is required to be equipped with headlamps shall drive with the headlamps or driving lamps lighted at all times that the vehicle is being operated on a public highway. </blockquote><br />n<br />nIs this really necessary? We aren't capable of making such a decision on our own? I personally all ready do this out of preference, but do the powers in Helena really need to stand over us and tell us to do this? NO. This is an unnecessary change to the law and I oppose it. Let people make their own decision whether to use their headlights during the daylight hours.<br />n<br />nReferred to the Senate Highways and Transportation Committee. <br />n<br />nUPDATE: Hearing set for 01/16/2007

