Montana Weblog Awards

The <a href="">results are in</a> from the Montana Weblog Awards. Here they are in abbreviated form.<br />n<br />nBest Left Leaning Blog: <a href="">A Chicken Is Not Pillage</a><br />n<br />nBest Right Leaning Blog: <a href="">MT Politics</a><br />n<br />nBest Independent or Libertarian Blog: <a href="">Dave Budge</a><br />n<br />nBest Political Blog: <a href="">Left In The West</a><br />n<br />nBlog That Had The Most Impact on the Elections of 2006: <a href="">Electric City Weblog</a><br />n<br />nMontana Blog that best represents popular culture: <a href="">Better Living Through Blogging</a><br />n<br />nBest Montana History Blog: <a href="">A History of Montana By Kodak</a><br />n<br />nBlog That Best Represents a Montana Lifestyle: <strong><a href="">Thoughts From The Middle of Nowhere</a></strong><br />n<br />nMost Creative Montana Blog: <a href="">Raven's Nest</a> and <a href="">Watermark</a> (Yes, a tie)<br />n<br />nBest Photography: <strong><a href="">Thoughts From The Middle of Nowhere</a></strong><br />n<br />nBest Written Montana Blog: <a href="">A Chicken Is Not Pillage</a><br />n<br />nMost Humorous Montana Blog: <a href="">A Secular Franciscan Life</a><br />n<br />nBest Post: <a href="">You didn't think I Gave it up, Did you?</a>, Great Falls Firefly<br />n<br />nBest Series Of Posts: <a href="">A History Lesson</a>, Electric City Weblog<br />n<br />nFirst off I would like to thank <a href="">Wulfgar</a> for doing this. He has taken the work on all himself and he deserves all our thanks for it. The nomination process was very good this year and I feel really brought in the best blogs to be voted upon. Voting was easy and the time frame for voting was great. I toyed with the idea that maybe more categories were needed but then could never decide what categories they should be. Also you then start running in to the problem of too many categories to vote for which then discourages people from voting so I guess Wulfgar has the right of it.<br />n<br />nSecond, I would like to congratulate all the winners. They might not have been the way I voted but they all deserved it. I follow all the winners, and for that fact all those nominated, on a regular basis with the exception of a couple and I now follow them all them too. This weblog award is really a valuable way to introduce yourself to new blogs you might not know and I hope you use this as a valuable resource to some really good blogs.<br />n<br />nThird, I would like to thank all that voted for me whether I won the category or not. Your votes awe me and I don't know how to thank you enough for them. It really means a lot to me that you took the time and energy to send in votes for me. Thanks.<br />n<br />n<strong>All action results from thought, so it is thoughts that matter. Sai Baba</strong>



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