
I really wonder about people's integrity sometimes. The new hired man really brings these thoughts to mind for me. I know, he has worked here less than a week and I wonder about his integrity. That sure says something doesn't it. <br />n<br />nI guess the question is does it say something about my lack of faith in the human race or does it say something about the new hired man's integrity, or lack thereof?<br />n<br />nMy Darling Wife ended up in town getting new tires put on the car this last week and she heard a conversation that really makes me think of integrity and some peoples lack of it. <br />n<br />nOwner of tire store: That isn't right guys (speaking to his employees). There are women that drive this car alone long distances so it needs to be done right. See that license plate, it's a mom's car. Would you want that kind of shoddy work on your mom's car? Start again and do it right this time.<br />n<br />nEmployee: She's just a women, hell she won't know any better. What difference does it make?<br />n<br />nOwner: The difference is if you want to work here you will do it right every time.<br />n<br />nWhy people have such a serious lack of integrity is beyond me. What are they thinking when they do such things? I know, their not thinking but I can hope. I'm really thinking this new hired hand is going to be short lived. The lack of integrity has led me to have a lack of faith in him which is going to be fatal to him working here. Maybe I should continue to look for a new guy. Damn the bad luck.<br />n<br />n<strong>A life lived with integrity – even if it lacks the trappings of fame and fortune is a shinning star in whose light others may follow in the years to come. Denis Waitley</strong>



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