
Let's see, what's happening around the ranch. Not much, just feeding the younger cows and caking the older cows. The warmer weather is helping and the cattle appear to be getting enough to eat and doing well. The new hired hand is here and working.<br />n<br />nI can't say I am overly impressed with this kid. He seems a little too tentative. I was hoping he would be a little more of a self starter but you can't have everything. We did a little riding yesterday to get a few yearlings out of the cows. I can definitely say I was not impressed by his riding style. He either slouched forward in his saddle or leaned back like a saddle bronc rider in it. His posture and style were horrible. He has quite a bit to learn about cattle work a horseback too. His knowledge seemed more than a little lacking there.<br />n<br />nI know, complain,complain, complain. I hired him knowing he was lacking in some skill, I just needed somebody to get me through feeding and hopefully he will figure that out. It will work out, I have to believe that or I will go nuts.<br />n<br />nI had a coming two year old sluff a calf yesterday. No apparent reason why, just found the aborted fetus and then looked up the heifer. I will keep an eye on the rest of them but since they haven't been in any pine needles for over a month and a half I think it is just one of those isolated, fluke incidents. If it happens again I will have to investigate further.<br />n<br />nNice weather, beautiful, loving family, things are pretty good by my standards. A little more snow cover and things would be excellent.<br />n<br />n<strong>Any idiot can face a crisis – it's day to day living that wears you out. Anton Chekhov</strong>



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