Montana Weblog Awards 2006

<a href="">Wulfgar</a> has taken it on himself to run the Montana Weblog Awards again this year. Right off the bat I wish to praise him for taking on this effort with all the work that's involved with it. Thanks Wulfgar.<br />n<br />nNominations were taken for a week and now the <a href="">ballot is up</a>. I urge everybody to look the ballot over and vote if you wish. I will quote Wulfgar here.<br />n<br />n<blockquote>Again, all votes must be registered as comments to <a href="">this website</a>, or to the email address … 'Nobody gotta register for nuthin', and all votes will remain anonymous at the will of the voter. If you wish to proclaim your voting publicly, you are welcome to do that too. I likely will. You are once again invited and encouraged to vote for yourself, with the proviso that I will not. If you wish to self-promote … then be my guest. This is, as it was last year, all about the promotion of Montana, and Montana websites.<br />n<br />nThe voting will remain open until Wednesday, December 27th. The results will be announced before the new year. You do not need to be a blogger to vote. You do not need to be a Montanan to vote. So, just vote.</blockquote><br />n<br />nSo, you do not have to be a blogger or a Montanan to vote so there is no reason not to. I also believe that you can vote only in the categories you wish and don't have to vote in all of them if that's what you want. Hell, you can even vote in private or in public the choice is yours, so just email Wulfgar or comment on the appropriate post. What could be easier.<br />n<br />nI will point out I was nominated in a number of categories and I wish to thank those that nominated me. I am humbled by your consideration that I deserve an award. My nominations are:<br />n<br />nMontana Blog that best represents popular culture: Never thought of myself as being "popular culture" but obviously some people do. Thanks. <br />n<br />nBlog That Best Represents a Montana Lifestyle: This one is kind of funny. In my opinion a Montana lifestyle would include hunting and fishing which I am not a fan of. It's not something that interests me. I am a rancher thought which fits in to the popular stereotype of Montana so i guess that explains it. Thanks.<br />n<br />nBest Photography: I admit, I'm proud of this one. Last years Montana weblog awards showed me how much people enjoyed my pictures and that pushed me to take and post more pictures. I have enjoyed the creativity it has offered me and am proud of my photos. Thanks.<br />n<br />nBest Series of Posts: This one was a true surprise to me. The nomination is for my companion site <a href="">No Mandatory Animal ID</a> which I used to post exclusively about the <acronym title="National Animal Identification System">NAIS</acronym> program and my opposition to it, making it a series of posts. I truly believe I had an effect on the national issue since exactly what I have campaigned for, no mandatory animal id, has come to pass. The <acronym title="United States Department of Agriculture, Bought and Paid for by The Big Meat Packers">USDA</acronym> has made the program voluntary because of the outcry against it. Much Thanks for this nomination, it really makes the effort I made be appreciated.<br />n<br />nI am not saying you have to vote for me. Go make your decisions and have fun looking at Montana Blogs. There is a lot out there to enjoy, just like there is a lot in Montana to enjoy. I will post my votes here and on Wulfgar's site, like the rules say, in a few days.<br />n<br />nThis post will remain sticky until the voting is final on Dec. 27th.<br />n<br />n<strong>I think it's important to vote. Vivienne Westwood</strong><br />n<br />n<strong>UPDATE:</strong> Here is my ballot that I emailed to Wulfgar.<br />n<br />nBest Left Leaning Blog: Left In The West- I've always liked Matt's intellectual honesty and for the most part high road he takes. Now that he's changes his site around to a community site I'm not so sure I like it but this year he still gets my vote.<br />n<br />nBest Right Leaning Blog: The Hammond Report- I find this new site of interest and it always appears well written. Being a genuine right winger and living in Missoula has to be a challenge for him so he gets an extra vote in my mind for that. <br />n<br />nBest Independent or Libertarian Blog: Dave Budge- Of those that are listed the only way to go is Dave. He doesn't do much political blogging anymore so I don't know if he would get my nod in another year but for now he gets it.<br />n<br />nBest Political Blog: None- There is more to life than politics so I won't look for the "Best Political Blog."<br />n<br />nBlog That Had The Most Impact on the Elections of 2006: Electric City Weblog- In a way I almost didn't vote in this category either since I don't feel blogs have that big of impact on elections but his reporting caused a Judge to resign who was up for election. Quite an effect.<br />n<br />nMontana Blog that best represents popular culture: Better Living Through Blogging- I can't in good conscience vote for myself so BLTB gets my nod. Better candidate than me for popular culture any way. Hell, they are all better at popular culture than me.<br />n<br />nBest Montana History Blog: A History of Montana By Kodak- <strike>I might have a lot of issues with Courtney but this site has a lot of potential and I hope to see more progress on it.</strike> OOps, wrong Courtney. I humbly apalogize to Courtney for my mistake. Good blog with a lot of potential. Keep up the good work Courtney.<br />n<br />nBlog That Best Represents a Montana Lifestyle: Karbon Kounty Moos- Again, in good conscience I can't vote for myself so my nod goes to Karen. Hell, what more represents a Montana lifestyle than a New York girl that now runs her own ranch.<br />n<br />nMost Creative Montana Blog: Watermark- No contest here. I've always enjoyed the creativity I see on this site so this was easy.<br />n<br />nBest Photography: Karbon Kounty Moos- Again, in good conscience I can't vote for myself so my nod goes to Karen. She takes really nice photos that I can really relate to.<br />n<br />nBest Written Montana Blog: City Lights- Hell, as a professional journalist I would Ed to be well written and it definitely is.<br />n<br />nMost Humorous Montana Blog: A Secular Franciscan Life- Randy has a very nice sense of humor that I enjoy. Just wish he would post a little more often.<br />n<br />nBest Post: In My Kitchen, Great Falls Firefly- Tough choice here. After looking all the posts over Firefly gets the nod though.<br />n<br />nBest Series of Posts: None. I can't in good conscience vote for my own site so I will vote for none. Can't let the competition get any extra votes. <img src="" alt=":-)" class="emoticon" /><br />n<br />nThese are by no means an endorsement. Just an open admission of how I voted.<br />n<br />n<strong>UPDATE:</strong> 12/27/2006 Today is the last day to vote. If you wish to vote, hurry over to Wulfgar's palce and submit your vote for it to count.



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