Over The Top

I was a little over the top yesterday on my <a href="http://nowherethoughts.net/sarpysam/archives/2221-Revisionist-History.html#comments">Revisionist History</a> post and I would like to apologize to both Matt and Gerik over at <a href="http://www.leftinthewest.com/frontPage.do">Left in the West</a> for this. <br />n<br />nGerik, I could have presented the topic and time line of SB 415 with out the references to worshiping people and in just a more fact filled way. I woke up on the wrong side of the bedroll yesterday and must have been spoiling for a fight. The way I worded it was like I was looking for a fight and that was wrong. I typed faster than my brain thought. I'm sorry.<br />n<br />nMatt, I shouldn't have dropped the comment in about not standing dissent at your sight. I know better than that but again I was just spoiling for a fight for some reason. I'm sorry. I will still say I don't like that a person has to register just to comment and I won't register on your site. If I have something to say, which you know I don't comment very often, I will have to say it here. Something about the registering to comment just bothers me and I can't even explain what it is.<br />n<br />nSometimes a person is spoiling for a fight for whatever reason and words things that way. Yesterday I was that way for some reason. I always try to present just the facts and not get into unwarranted attacks on other people and I failed yesterday. I apologize to everyone for this. I will try to do better.<br />n<br />n<strong>Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Albert Einstein</strong>



